Οι μώλωπες (μελανιές) μπορεί να εμφανιστούν
οπουδήποτε στο σώμα και η θέση τους μπορεί να είναι μια ένδειξη για την
υποκείμενη αιτία.
Οι "ανεξήγητες" μελανιές
στα πόδια προκαλούν συναγερμό και οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι θέλουν να
γνωρίζουν το "γιατί" τους συμβαίνει και το αν πρόκειται για κάποιο
σοβαρό πρόβλημα.
Υπάρχουν διάφοροι παράγοντες, μικρής σημασίας, που μπορεί να
οδηγήσουν σε μώλωπες, αλλά είναι σημαντικό να γνωρίζετε σε ποιες
περιπτώσεις οφείλονται σε κάποια σοβαρή αιτία, αφού αυτό μπορεί να
αποδειχτεί σωτήριο για εσάς.Οι μελανιές εμφανίζονται ως αποχρωματισμοί στο δέρμα και έχουν απόχρωση μπλε, κίτρινη και μαύρη ή έναν συνδυασμό των τριών. Κατεστραμμένα αιμοφόρα αγγεία βαθιά μέσα στο δέρμα κάνουν το αίμα να ανέλθει στην επιφάνεια, ακριβώς κάτω από την επιδερμίδα και έτσι προκαλούνται "ανεξήγητες" μελανιές. Οι μώλωπες φεύγουν γενικά από μόνοι τους μέσα σε 2-4 εβδομάδες.
Όταν μια μελανιά υποχωρεί, συμβαίνουν διάφορες χρωματικές αλλαγές στο σημείο και να παράγουν ένα φάσμα χρωμάτων όπως κιτρινοπράσινο, καφέ, κόκκινο-μπλε, μπλε ή μπλε-μαύρο στην εμφάνιση.
Γιατί και πώς προκαλούνται οι μελανιές
- Έντονη σωματική δραστηριότητα ή τραυματισμοί: Οι μικροτραυματισμοί μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε μώλωπες και εκχυμώσεις στο δέρμα. Μπορεί να χρειαστούν μερικές ημέρες για να ανέβει το αίμα στην επιφάνεια του δέρματος και αυτό συχνά προκαλεί ανησυχία για το ποια ήταν η πραγματική αιτία. Η έντονη φυσική δραστηριότητα μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε βλάβη σε μικρά αιμοφόρα αγγεία. Στη συνέχεια, το αίμα διαρρέει και μια σχηματίζεται η μελανιά.
- Έκθεση στον ήλιο: Η UV ακτινοβολία του ήλιου βλάπτει το δέρμα και τα αιμοφόρα αγγεία με συνέπεια να προκαλεί μώλωπες, ιδιαίτερα στους ηλικιωμένους.
- Παρενέργειες από φάρμακα: Η λήψη ορισμένων φαρμάκων μπορεί να επηρεάσει την πήξη του αίματος κια να προκαλέσει μελανιές από το σπάσιμο των πιο εύθραυστων αγγείων.
- Έλλειψη βιταμινών: Η ανεπάρκεια βιταμινών όπως οι Β12, C, Κ, καθώς και η έλλειψη φολικού οξέος μπορεί να προκαλέσει μώλωπες.
- Διαβήτης: Οι πάσχοντες από διαβήτη, λόγω των προβλημάτων που αντιμετωπίζουν με την κυκλοφοριακό τους σύστημα, είναι περισσότερο επιρρεπείς στους μώλωπες.
- Αιματολογικές νόσοι: Υπάρχουν διάφορες αιματολογικές ασθένειες που μπορεί να δημιουργήσουν μώλωπες. Αυτές είναι η σήψη, η θρομβοπενία, η αιμοφιλία, η λευχαιμία, το λέμφωμα Hodgkin και η δυσλειτουργία των αιμοπεταλίων.
What Is a Bruise?

You bump your leg against the coffee table.
You drop something on your toe. You take a spill on the sidewalk while
walking the dog. All of these situations may result in a bruise. A
bruise happens when small blood vessels underneath the skin become
injured and leak blood. This results in a colorful mark under your skin
known as a bruise. Bruises may also occur due to certain medical
conditions or as a side effect of some medications or treatments.
Warfarin is one of several medications associated with excess bruising.
It is an anticoagulant medication. Most bruises that are minor injuries
heal within approximately 2 weeks. Soft tissues, muscles, and bones may
be injured by bruising.
What Causes Bruising?

Injuries bursts tiny blood vessels near the
surface of the skin. These blood vessels leak blood into the surrounding
area. If the skin is not broken, blood pooled from bleeding under the
skin begins to clot. A bruise is the pooled blood that is visible as a
colorful mark. More serious injuries cause bigger bruises called
contusions. Contusions may be very tender to the touch and cause more
pain than less serious bruises.
Are There Different Types of Bruises?

There are several different types of
bruises. A bruise that involves bleeding from broken blood vessels
leaking into the upper layers of skin is called an ecchymosis. An
example of this kind of bruise is a shiner or black eye. Hematomas are
bruises that develop when blood clots and forms a lump underneath the
surface of the skin. The injured area may be raised, swollen, and
painful. A “goose egg” on the forehead is an example of this type of
bruise. Children frequently get these types of injuries. The scalp
contains a lot of blood vessels so an injury to the head may cause this
type of bruise.
What Do the Different Colors of Bruises Mean?

Bruises are usually red or purple
discolorations right after an injury. This is because they are the color
of the blood that has pooled underneath the skin. As a bruise heals,
the body breaks down blood and fluids that have accumulated under the
skin. As this happens the bruise turns different colors.
- Within the first few days after getting a bruise, the area may become a black mark, blue mark, or purple mark.
- Within 5 to 10 days after getting a bruise, the area may turn greenish or yellowish.
- During the final phase of healing, approximately 10 to 14 days after getting a bruise, the area will usually be brown in color. As healing progresses, the area will become lighter and lighter until it eventually fades away entirely.
How Do You Treat and Get Rid of Bruises?

When you get a bruise, the area has to
proceed through the various healing stages before it fades away
completely. There are things you can do to minimize the formation and
appearance of a bruise after you receive an injury. You can use first
aid on a bruise. Treatment involves placing a cold pack over an area
that you’ve bumped or injured to shrink blood vessels and minimize
swelling. Cold minimizes fluid leakage into tissues. Do not place a cold
pack directly on the skin as it may stick. Wrap a bag of frozen veggies
(peas are a good choice) in a towel and place over the injured area.
Apply cold for about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the cold pack for about 30
minutes, then reapply the cold pack to the affected area.
How to Heal a Bruise

To care for bruises on legs or arms, elevate
the limb above the heart to keep blood and fluids from pooling in the
injured area. This also helps prevent swelling. Use cold packs for the
first 2 days after bruising to shrink blood vessels. After 2 days, use a
heating pad or warm compress on the area to ease pain and speed
healing. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and
acetaminophen, can decrease pain. Gentle massage can encourage blood
flow and encourage healing.
What Is a Bone Bruise?

A bruised bone occurs when a traumatic
injury results in the accumulation of blood and fluid around a bone. A
bone bruise is a less serious injury than a bone fracture, but it is
more severe than a regular bruise. Sports injuries and accidents are
common causes of bone bruises. Medical conditions like arthritis may
cause bone bruises, too. Symptoms of a bone bruise include pain,
swelling, and color changes. Bone bruises usually hurt more than regular
bruises and they take longer to heal. Tend to a bone bruise by resting,
icing and elevating the area, and taking pain relievers. See the doctor
if you suffer a severe bruise or a bone bruise.
When Is a Bruise a Sign of Something More Serious?

When is a bruise bad enough to go to the
doctor? Minor bruises are not a cause for concern and most heal within 2
weeks. Sometimes, a bruise may be a sign of a more serious condition
that needs medical attention. Seek medical care right away if you notice
any of the following.
- A bruise that keeps getting bigger after the day of the injury may need medical attention.
- A bruise on a limb that makes your leg or arm feel very tight or swollen requires medical attention.
- If a bruise lasts for longer than 2 weeks or it reappears for an unknown reason, see your doctor.
- Any bruise that occurs around an eye and interferes with vision or makes it difficult to see in different directions is cause for concern.
- Bruises that occur on the trunk, abdomen, or head may be associated with damage to internal organs including the brain. See your doctor if you bruise any of these areas.
- If a bruise is associated with a broken bone or you suspect you may have broken a bone, seek medical attention.
Why Do I Bruise So Much?

Maybe you’re thinking, “Why do I bruise so
easily?” Many factors may contribute to you becoming easily bruised.
Your gender, age, and genetics may all play a role. Older adults have
thinner skin and less fatty tissue under the skin. This fatty tissue
protects blood vessels. Without it, blood vessels under the skin may be
injured more easily. Women bruise more readily than men, especially from
slight bumps and injuries to the thighs, upper arms, and buttocks.
Women have thinner skin and more subcutaneous fat than men. That’s why
they bruise more easily. Conditions that affect blood clotting or
connective tissue may predispose people in some families to bruise
easily. Taking certain medications may make you bruise more easily, too.
Other Spots That Look Like Bruises

Some conditions are associated with marks
that resemble bruises but are not bruises. Large reddish or purple spots
that appear under the skin are called purpura. Smaller spots are called
petechiae. Conditions that may cause these skin discolorations include
inadequate platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia), certain cancers
(Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma, leukemia), liver disease
(cirrhosis), or bleeding disorders (von Willebrand’s disease,
hemophilia). See your doctor if you suffer from unexplained bruises or
marks on your skin.
Nutrients and Bruising

Certain nutrients are necessary to maintain
proper blood clotting and healthy skin and blood vessels. These
nutrients include folate and vitamins C, B12, and K. Without sufficient
levels of these nutrients, you may bruise more easily. Good sources of
vitamin C include citrus fruit, cantaloupe, mango, and berries. Increase
your levels of B12 by eating more fortified cereal and beef. Leafy
green veggies are great sources of folate and vitamin K.
Do Medications Cause Bruises?

Certain medications affect blood clotting
and may make you bruise more easily. Corticosteroids, blood thinners,
chemotherapy, and aspirin are just some medications that increase the
risk of bruises. Never stop taking a medication or change the dose of a
medication without talking to your doctor. If you think one or more of
your medications is contributing to easy bruising, have a conversation
with your doctor. He or she may be able to switch you to another
medication that does not have that side effect.
Can Bruises Be Prevented?

It is not possible to avoid bruises
completely, but there are things you can do to minimize the risk that
you’ll get hurt. Prevent falls in the home by removing throw rugs from
walking paths throughout the house. Move furniture to areas where you
won’t bump into or trip over pieces. Install nightlights so you have
adequate illumination when you’re walking around at night. If you play
sports, wear protective gear to protect your head, shins, knees, and
elbows from crashes and falls.
Reviewed on 12/14/2017
Healthline , iatropedia .gr , onmed.gr
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