Τρίτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Abdominal Pain: Common Causes of Stomach Pain in Children-Κοιλιακό άλγος στα παιδιά

Ο πόνος στην κοιλιά είναι ένα από τα πιο συχνά συμπτώματα στα παιδιά. Χρόνιος, συχνός ή με εξάρσεις και υποτροπές πόνος στην κοιλιά χρειάζεται παιδιατρική εκτίμηση γιατί μπορεί να υποδηλώνει σημαντικό οργανικό νόσημα. Συχνά βέβαια στις περιπτώσεις αυτές δεν ανευρίσκεται οργανικό αίτιο και ο υποτροπιάζων πόνος στην κοιλιά χαρακτηρίζεται ιδιοπαθής ή αποτέλεσμα στρες, περνάει δε με τον καιρό.
Το παιδί είναι πιο πιθανό να έχει ιδιοπαθή υποτροπιάζοντα πόνο στην κοιλιά όταν:
  • Εστιάζει τον πόνο γενικά στο κέντρο της κοιλιάς και στον ομφαλό
  • Δεν έχει δυνατό πόνο, ο πόνος δεν περιορίζει την δραστηριότητά του και συνήθως απλώς αναφέρεται χωρίς να απαιτεί παυσίπονο
  • Ο πόνος στην κοιλιά δεν το ξυπνάει τη νύχτα
  • Ο πόνος στην κοιλιά δεν σχετίζεται με τα γεύματα
  • Τα επεισόδια πόνου δεν είναι συχνά και δεν φαίνονται να χειροτερεύουν με την πάροδο του χρόνου
  • Ο πόνος δεν συνοδεύεται από άλλα συμπτώματα όπως εμετούς και διάρροιες, στασιμότητα ή απώλεια βάρους
Το παιδί είναι πιο πιθανό να έχει υποτροπιάζοντα πόνο στην κοιλιά λειτουργικό από στρες όταν:
  • Ο πόνος έχει συσχέτιση με στρεσογόνες καταστάσεις, όπως κατά τις μέρες του σχολείου ή να περνάει σε σαββατοκύριακα ή διακοπές, γέννηση αδερφού, διαζύγιο, παιδική παραμέληση ή κακοποίηση
  • Ο πόνος στην κοιλιά ή πονοκέφαλος αναφέρεται συχνά σαν σύμπτωμα μέσα στην οικογένεια από άλλα μέλη της
Στοιχεία από το ιστορικό και την κλινική εξέταση που μας ανησυχούν και μας οδηγούν να αποκλείσουμε συγκεκριμένες οργανικές παθήσεις είναι:
  • Ο πόνος είναι σοβαρής έντασης και περιορίζει την δραστηριότητα του παιδιού
  • Ο πόνος ξυπνάει το παιδί τη νύχτα (έλκος)
  • Ο πόνος έχει εντόπιση στο πάνω μέρος της κοιλιάς ή/ και συνοδεύεται με τάση για εμετό ή εμετό (έλκος, γαστρίτιδα, γαστρο-οισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση)
  • Ο πόνος έχει εντόπιση προς δεξιά κάτω και μπορεί να συνοδεύεται από τάση προς εμετό ή εμετό (υποξεία σκωληκοειδίτιδα)
  • Ο πόνος έχει εντόπιση προς αριστερά κάτω και συνοδεύεται από δυσκοιλιότητα
  • Ο πόνος έχει εντόπιση χαμηλά στο υπογάστριο ή/ και συνοδεύεται από τσούξιμο ή άλλα συμπτώματα κατά την ούρηση (ουρολοίμωξη, νεφρολιθίαση)
  • Ο πόνος συσχετίζεται με κατανάλωση γάλακτος (δυσανεξία στην λακτόζη) ή με κατανάλωση γλουτένης (κοιλιοκάκη)
  • Ο πόνος συνοδεύεται από συμπτώματα όπως εμετούς, διάρροιες, ανορεξία, στασιμότητα βάρους, αίμα στα κόπρανα (φλεγμονώδης νόσος του εντέρου)
  • Ο πόνος είναι παροξυσμικός με επεισόδια εμέτων ή με πονοκεφάλους (κοιλιακή ημικρανία)
  • Ο πόνος χειροτερεύει σε άδειο στομάχι (έλκος)
  • Ο πόνος συνοδεύεται από πυρετό ή δυσκολία στην ανάσα (πνευμονία, άσθμα)
Ο παιδίατρος από το πλήρες ιστορικό, κλινική εξέταση και αν κριθεί απαραίτητο παρακλινικές εξετάσεις (εξετάσεις αίματος, ούρων, κοπράνων, υπέρηχος κοιλίας) πρέπει να αποκλείσει κάποια συνήθη λειτουργικά αίτια για υποτροπιάζοντα πόνο στην κοιλιά στα παιδιά, όπως:
  • Στρες
  • Δυσκοιλιότητα
  • Σύνδρομο ευερέθιστου εντέρου
  • Κοιλιακή ημικρανία
Κάποια συνήθη οργανικά αίτια για υποτροπιάζοντα πόνο στην κοιλιά στα παιδιά, όπως:
  • Κάκωση στους κοιλιακούς μυς
  • Κοιλιοκάκη
  • Τροφικές αλλεργίες
  • Δυσανεξία στην λακτόζη
Και τέλος, ανάλογα με τις ενδείξεις, κάποια πιο σπάνια οργανικά αίτια υποτροπιάζοντα πόνου στην κοιλιά στα παιδιά, όπως
  • Φλεγμονώδη νόσο του εντέρου
  • Υποξεία σκωληκοειδίτιδα
  • Ουρολοίμωξη
  • Νεφρολιθίαση
  • Έλκος
  • Γαστρο-οισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση
  • Παγκρεατίτιδα
  • Χολολιθίαση
  • Εντερική απόφραξη
  • Όγκος στην κοιλιά

 SOURCE:Παιδιατρική Φροντίδα

 Abdominal Pain: Common Causes of Stomach Pain in Children

Just A 'Tummy Ache,' or More?

A mother and her child visit a pediatrician for an exam.
Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons for a parent to bring his or her child to a health care professional. Evaluation of a "tummy ache" can challenge both parents and the doctor.

Causes of Abdominal Pain in Children

A boy discusses his pain with the doctor.
Possible causes for a child's abdominal pain range from trivial to life-threatening with little difference in the child's complaints and symptoms. Fortunately, abdominal pain in a child usually improves quickly. Parents or caregivers face the difficult decision of whether a complaint needs emergency care or not. We’ll look at some of the most common causes of abdominal pain in children the following slides.

Causes - Infections

A girl is given an antibiotic pill by hand.
Viruses or bacteria can cause abdominal pain, typically from stomach flu or gut flu (called gastroenteritis). Often these infections are associated with other gastrointestinal symptoms such as cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Viral infections tend to resolve quickly, while bacterial infections may need an antibiotic to improve.

Causes - Food-Related

A boy eats a hamburger.
Food poisoning (which has symptoms like those of stomach/gut flu), food allergies, eating excessive amounts of food – any of these can cause temporary discomfort.

Causes - Poisoning

Medication bottle showing caution warning.
Poisoning: This can range from simple problems, such as eating soap, to more serious issues like swallowing iron pills or an overdose of medications (such as acetaminophen poisoning [Tylenol]).

Causes - Surgical Problems & Medical Causes

A nurse checks the blood sugar in a child with diabetes.
Surgical problems for abdominal pain include appendicitis and blockage of the bowels.
In addition, things outside the abdomen can cause abdominal pain. For example, a child can have abdominal pain from complications of diabetes or from a black widow spider bite.

Symptoms of Abdominal Pain in Children

A worried little girl holds her teddy bear.
A parent or caregiver usually can tell when a child has abdominal pain. Infants and very young toddlers may cry, have painful facial expressions, and curl up. Young children usually will be quick to tell you what is wrong. Some teenagers may be reluctant to report pain, and you must try to get a clear explanation of what they are feeling. Symptoms to ask about are discussed on the following slides.

Symptoms - Duration of the Pain

A boy in pain in bed with a clock.
An important thing to remember is that most simple causes of abdominal pain do not last very long. Most of us have experienced gas pains or the stomach/gut flu and remember that the pain usually was gone within 24 hours. Any abdominal pain that continues longer than 24 hours should be evaluated by a physician.

Symptoms - Location of the Pain

A doctor examines a boy for abdominal pain.
Most simple pains are located in the center of the abdomen. The child will rub around his or her belly button. Pain felt in other areas is more concerning. This is especially true of pain located low and down on the right side of the abdomen. Pain in that area is considered to be appendicitis until proven otherwise.

Symptoms - Appearance of the Child

A sad and distressed toddler in pain.
As a general rule, if the child looks very ill in addition to being in pain, medical help should be sought. Often, the caregiver "just knows" the child is sick. Key things to look for when abdominal pain occurs include pale appearance, sweating, or a child who is sleepy or listless. It is most concerning when a child cannot be distracted from the pain with play, or refuses to drink or eat for several hours.

Symptoms - Vomiting

A sick girl keeps a trash can next to her bed in case she vomits.
Children vomit quite frequently with abdominal pain, but vomiting does not always indicate a serious problem. However, as with the duration of the pain, most simple causes of vomiting go away very quickly. The rule again is that vomiting for longer than 24 hours is a legitimate reason to call the physician.

Symptoms - Nature of the Vomiting

A boy feeling nauseous while being examined by a doctor.
At any age, vomiting that appears to contain blood or darker material is a reason to seek emergency care. Prolonged vomiting and the inability to keep down liquids can lead to dehydration. Signs of dehydration such as a dry mouth and no urine is another reason to seek emergency care.

Symptoms - Diarrhea

A mother comforts her daughter.
This is also very common with abdominal pain and often indicates that a virus is the cause. This can continue for several days but usually lasts less than 72 hours (three days). Diarrhea, especially when associated with vomiting, can lead to dehydration. Any blood in the stool is a reason to seek medical care.

Symptoms - Fever

A sick child with a fever and a thermometer in her mouth.
The presence of fever does not always indicate a serious problem. Moreover, a normal temperature can be seen with the more serious causes of abdominal pain.

Symptoms - Groin Pain

A boy feeling ill lies in his bed.
One serious problem that a boy may describe as abdominal pain actually comes from somewhere else. It is testicular torsion, a condition in which a testicle twists on itself and cuts off its own blood supply. The child may be embarrassed to mention the location, so you should ask if there is any pain "down there." A testicular problem is usually easy to fix if treated early. So, if a child complains of pain in the groin area or testicles, seek emergency medical care.

Symptoms - Urinary Problems

An uncomfortable girl sitting in a curled position.
Abdominal pain associated with any trouble urinating, such as painful or frequent urination, could indicate a bladder infection and is a reason to seek medical care.

Symptoms - Rash

A little girl having her stomach examined by doctor.
Certain serious causes of abdominal pain also occur with a new rash. The combination of a skin rash with abdominal pain is a reason to contact your doctor.

Exams and Tests

A doctor performs an ultrasound exam on a young girl.
Abdominal pain in children has several potential causes that may affect multiple organ systems, each requiring a unique set of diagnostic tests. The doctor will obtain a thorough history and examine the child, which likely will include a rectal exam to evaluate the presence of blood in the stool. From this information the doctor may order additional tests.
Blood tests, stool samples, imaging studies (including X-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans), as well as other special tests (barium enema/swallow, or pelvic exam) may be done. In some cases a specialist such as a gastroenterologist or pediatric surgeon may be consulted.

Self-Care at Home

A mother talks on the phone concerned about her child’s pain.
A parent or caregiver must be observant and should contact appropriate help at the appropriate time. A child should especially be monitored closely when he or she is recovering. A teenager may not want to be bothered, but still should be monitored. The following slides offer tips for self-care at home.

Self-Care at Home - Rest

A young child sleeping in bed.
A child with active abdominal pain often will benefit from resting. Lying face down may help relieve gas pain, but the optimal position is the one that feels best to the child.

Self-Care at Home - Diet

A young girl drinking a glass of water.
People can survive a long time without solid food, but need to keep up on liquids. Dehydration takes time to develop unless vomiting or diarrhea is severe, so forcing fluids is not always necessary. A child who is actively vomiting will not be able to hold down a large amount of liquid. Doctors recommend giving small amounts (1-2 ounces) at a time (every 15-20 minutes typically) until the child can handle more.

Self-Care at Home - Fluids to Give

A mother feeding her daughter a bowl of soup in bed.
Do not give water or boiled milk to infants in large quantities, because it can cause serious problems with the salt content of their bodies. Doctors recommend various liquids for preventing and treating dehydration. For example, Pedialyte can be bought over-the-counter without a prescription. Try to get the infant back on the usual feedings as soon as possible. Good choices for older children include ginger ale or simple soup broth. Avoid any liquids that aggravate the abdominal pain. If an older child asks for soft drinks, it may be better to avoid those with caffeine. Shaking the fizz out of carbonated beverages may make them more tolerable for an ill child.

Self-Care at Home - Solid Foods

A boy eating a cracker.
The child will let you know when it is time to get back on solid food. Start them slowly. First try toast or crackers. Then advance to regular foods as they tolerate the feedings. Banana, apple sauce, or cooked rice also are suitable foods for introduction after a full liquid diet.

Self-Care at Home - Medications

Parents discuss medications for their child with the pharmacist.
You can use acetaminophen (Aspirin Free, Children's Silapap, Panadol, Liquiprin, or Tylenol) to control fever. Most doctors still avoid aspirin in children. Avoid antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor. Physicians do not recommend herbal medicines or other home remedies. If you use them and later see a physician, be sure to tell the physician exactly what you gave the child because it could affect the treatment recommendations.

Medical Treatment

A pediatrician with a child holding a medicine bottle.
Treatment will be prescribed according to the history, physical examination, and test results. Treatment may be as simple as sending the child home with instructions for rest, encouraging fluids, and eating a bland diet. For serious conditions, treatment can be as extensive as hospital admission and surgery.

When to Call a Doctor

When to Call a Doctor.
Call your child’s doctor immediately if your child is experiencing any of the symptoms listed


A mother discusses her child’s condition with the doctor. The prognosis for abdominal pain in children is as diverse as the causes themselves. Abdominal pain identified and treated early carries a good prognosis overall; however, pain undiagnosed and untreated can be life-threatening. Consequently, early in the child's illness, a parent or caregiver should work with the pediatrician and hospital to ensure the child receives appropriate care


  • eMedicineHealth: Abdominal Pain in Children
    © 2005 - 2013 WebMD, LLC. eMedicineHealth. All rights reserved.
    Source article on eMedicineHealth
  • WebMD: Abdominal Pain in Children Treatment
    © 2005 - 2013 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
    Source article on WebMD

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