Body mass index uses your height to gauge if
your weight is healthy, but even that's not foolproof. Your body type,
ethnic group, and muscle mass can change the meaning of the number. For
example, if you start exercising regularly, you may gain weight as you
build muscles. When you're trying to lose weight to be healthier, there
are other numbers you should pay attention to, too, instead of focusing only on the scale.
Waist Size

Breathe out, and wrap a tape measure around
yourself midway between your hip bone and ribs. No matter your height or
build, if your waist measures more than 40 inches (35 inches for women
who aren't pregnant), you probably have extra fat around your heart,
liver, kidneys, and other organs. Besides needing a larger pants size,
you're more likely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,
sleep apnea, and colorectal cancer.
Blood Pressure

Ideally, you want your upper, or "systolic,"
number to be below 120, and your lower "diastolic" number to be below
80. Once the numbers are 130 and 80, or higher, you have high blood
pressure. You may not have any symptoms, yet it can damage your heart
and blood vessels. Eventually, it can also cause problems with your
kidneys, eyes, and sex life.
Blood Sugar

When you're healthy, it should be under 100
mg/dL before you eat and less than 140 mg/dL a couple of hours later.
(Your doctor will set your targets, which may be a bit higher, when you
have diabetes.) Higher glucose levels can lead to long-term damage of
your heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Daily exercise and healthy
eating can help bring your blood sugar down.
Lipid Profile

This set of tests measures different kinds
of fats in your blood: "bad" (LDL) cholesterol, "good" (HDL)
cholesterol, and triglycerides. The general rule of thumb is that your
total cholesterol score should be less than 200 mg/dL. You want your HDL
to be 60 mg/dL or more and your triglycerides below 150 mg/dL.
Unhealthy levels could lead to narrow or blocked arteries, heart attack,
and stroke.

You should get at least 30 minutes a day, at
least 5 days a week, of moderate exercise (heart is pumping, lungs are
working) like walking or gardening. It's best to spread the activity
out, over the week and even the day, as long as you're doing it for at
least 10 minutes. Make sure that twice a week you're using all your
major muscles to keep them strong. Muscles will burn more calories than
fat, too, even at rest.
Seat Time

Even working out an hour a day, 7 days a
week, won't undo the unhealthy effects of sitting all day. When you stay
seated, your body metabolism slows, so you burn fewer calories. Your
muscles and joints stiffen up, and your back may hurt. Get up every 30
minutes or so. Stretch or take a short walk. That's a good way to help
you hold onto those hard-earned gains from the gym and possibly live

To improve your health and your mood, 10,000
every day is the number you'll hear a lot. But there's nothing magical
about it. Anywhere between 4,000 and 18,000 may be good for you. The
types of steps you take are important, too. The point is to make sure
you're getting enough moderate activity every day. Talk to your doctor
about what number makes sense for you. A smartphone app or fitness
tracker may help you meet your goal.

Adults usually need 7 to 9 hours a night.
Our bodies use that time to fix tissue, make hormones, and grow muscle.
Our brains use it to process the information and learning of the day
into memories. Not enough sleep can make you hungrier -- and make junk
food more appealing. Though it helps to get a bit of extra shut-eye if
you haven't had enough, you can't really make up what you've missed in a
night's sleep.
Screen Time

Limit yourself to 2 hours a day that's not
work- or school-related. And yes, that includes your smartphone. Too
much time glued to that device has led to a new condition called "text
neck" that can cause back, neck, and shoulder pain. Screens in the
bedroom can mess with your sleep. Screens during the day can make you
less active and more distracted. There's even research being done on
whether screen time causes brain damage.

Most people can stay hydrated by drinking
water when they're thirsty. To set a baseline, drink at least one glass
of water with and between each meal. You may need more if it's hot or
dry outside, or when you're pregnant. Drink before you work out, every
10-20 minutes during exercise (depending on the weather and how much you
sweat), and within 30 minutes afterward. A glass of water might do the
trick instead when you want a snack.
Fruit per Day

Men and all adults 30 and under should shoot
for 2 cups a day. Women over 30 should stick with 1 1/2 cups. What's a
"cup"? A small apple, a large banana, a medium pear, 8 big strawberries,
or 1/2 cup of dried fruit. If you're more active, you may be able to
eat more since you're burning the extra calories. Fruits have lots of
nutrients that many people don't get enough of, like vitamin C,
potassium, fiber, and folic acid.
Vegetables per Day

You need more veggies than fruit: 2-3 cups a
day, depending on your age and sex. Mix it up throughout the week with
dark green (broccoli, spinach, kale), red and orange (tomatoes, red
peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes), and starchy veggies (corn, potatoes,
green peas), as well as beans, peas, and other vegetables (cabbage,
onions, zucchini, cauliflower, mushrooms). Fresh, frozen, canned, or
dried -- raw or cooked -- it all counts.

Moderation is key: a drink a day for women,
two for men. (A drink can be 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5
ounces of liquor.) More than that, and any potential benefits start to
fade. And the calories add up. Alcohol can be bad for your liver,
kidneys, and heart, and could hurt your baby if you're pregnant. More
than four drinks a day or 14 in a week for men, three in a day or seven
in a week for women, could signal a problem.

Literally, zero. They cause more deaths than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol, car accidents, and gun incidents combined.
Being a "light" or "social" smoker still isn't OK. Even if you smoke
less than five cigarettes a day, you may have early signs of heart
disease and other health problems. Ask your doctor about using nicotine
gum to help control your appetite while you quit.
MedicineNetThis tool does not provide medical advice.
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